Wow, what a year this has been! It started with a trip in February to San Antonio for Wild Wicked Weekend, where I not only had the opportunity to connect with a great group of readers but also a wonderful and supportive group of writers, of which there are too many to mention (I did get to see our fearless leader of this blog, Jennifer Kacey. Yay!).

May brought two milestones. My book
Catering to His Desires was published, and my first book,
Catering to His Needs, hit No. 1 in the U.K. and No. 2 in the U.S. on Amazon in the Erotic Romance category. I can't begin to tell you how exciting it all was, since I was attending the RT Booklovers Convention at the time, and the feedback I got was tremendous. I met so many wonderful people at RT and had a chance to spend time with some of my favorite writers, including Sierra Cartwright, Annabel Joseph, Becca Jameson, Elizabeth Safleur, Kris Michaels, Christie Adams and Cecilia Tan, among others.
In June I went to the Space Coast Book Lovers Con, in lovely Cocoa Beach, Florida. After RT, it was nice to be with a smaller group and meet new friends, including Kerry Adrienne and LK Shaw.

July found me in Charlotte, NC, at a Dark and Seductive Affair, with a wonderful collection of deliciously dark erotic romance writers. It was some of the best fun I've had this year, in the presence of writers Sue Lyndon, Renee Rose, Alta Hensley, Livia Grant, Jennifer Bene, LK Shaw, Arden Aoide, to name a few; the organizers from the After Dark Booklovers Blog, and an enthusiastic group of readers.
In August, I was at BDSM Writers Con, another wonderful time with interesting people teaching about the BDSM lifestyle. Our keynote speaker was Lynda Aicher, another favorite writer of mine.
September found me in Portland, Oregon, where I got to see my sister's new house and was able to sign at the Passion in Portland event. My travels ended in October at the Shameless Book Con, which I attended as a reader. I mostly hung out with Janet Rodman and Margie Hager, two of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet, and had the opportunity to fangirl over Tiffany Reisz, Jenna Jacob, Susan Stoker, Stacey Kennedy, Skye Warren, Lexi Blake and Annabel Joseph.
Needless to say, it was an exciting year. It comes to a close with me spending time with family and close friends for good food and lots of laughs. My publisher put both my ebooks on sale as an added Christmas present for the season.
I wish you all good health, joy and happiness this holiday and for the New Year. We writers couldn't do what we love without your support. Thank you!
Come visit me on my website to learn more about me and my books and if you’d like, to sign up for my newsletter. I am a caterer myself and love to talk about food, so not only will I share news about my books and authors I like, I will share recipes and tips on food. Please join me at I will also be posting my schedule for next year. Maybe we will be able to meet at an event.