So here is my show. Welcome to Two Minutes with Anna Alexander! For two minutes (more or less) I'll be chatting with fellow authors, industry professionals, some of my Decadent Diva sisters, and an actor or two about whatever it is I think of at the moment. The goal is to be spontaneous and fun. And yes, I've been having lots of fun. :) So check me out on YouTube or on my Facebook page for my weekly postings. And here is a sampling of a few of my interviews. Enjoy!
Author Marcella Burnard
Ellora's Caveman DeAngelo Demonio
Phil Burke from AMC's Hell on Wheels
Brian Mitchel from Amazon Kindle Worlds Decadent Diva sister Jennifer Kacey
Till next time!
Anna- The Super Diva

Twitter- @AnnaWriter
Amazon Page
Heeeeheeee!!! I totally made the cut. YES!