Friday, October 20, 2017

Celebrities vs. Authors

Let me start by saying I love television, movies, books, music, etc. I love to follow certain people on Facebook and Instagram but these days it's becoming increasingly harder to do so. It seems like celebrities are more concerned about getting free stuff and promoting certain products hoping you'll purchase them with their special "code" than actually sharing their lives with people.

For example, I'm obsessed with the Bachelor shows on ABC. Absolutely obsessed. So naturally I tend to follow my favorites on Instagram and Twitter. I notice though as soon as these people hit a certain number of followers the promos begin. I scroll along on Instagram and I notice post after post of these Bachelor alumni pushing the Fab Fit Fun box, Diffey EyeWear, Hello Fresh, and SugarBear vitamins just to name a few. Now don't get me wrong, I understand that they are getting these products completely free and therefore must promote them or else bye bye freebies but would it kill them to limit the promo posts to once a week at most? I mean I don't blame them I'd love to be getting free stuff too just for showing my face on a television show but there is a certain limit of promo posts this girl can handle and yes I've unfollowed a few because of this alone. I want to see them, their daily lives, hell even their dogs, NOT PROMOS.  And yes sadly I've fallen into one or two of these promo posts unfortunately. NEVER AGAIN! Until next time.....

Now authors I don't see doing this at all. Not even the USA or New York Times Bestsellers. Authors aren't trying to get free stuff (unless it's books) and they don't promo anything but themselves or other authors and I think that's refreshing. They aren't trying to push anything on you or giving you a special "code" to go purchase something that they got for free. No. They are working their asses off trying to write, trying to edit, trying to get their stories out there. They have no time for silly promos. Their energy goes into the world they are in which is books. They'll promo fellow authors which is fantastic! Every author needs people talking about their books. That's how they get noticed. I follow quite a few authors and/or bloggers on Instagram and Twitter and every post I see is just them, their daily life, their writing nooks, a few book promos and I LOVE IT! I will admit that I follow some big bloggers in the book community and sometimes they post for certain subscription boxes but I will say the boxes are actually book subscription boxes and they actually talk about the books that are in them not just "Use this code to get yours today". As a writer ( I won't even call myself an author) I have nothing but respect for these authors and bloggers.

Is it too much to ask for those 'celebrities' to post more about their actual lives? Some are private and I get that but if you are not going to share then why are you even on social media?

Authors are an open book. *Pun intended* They share their daily lives, their struggles, and their books. It's awesome to follow along with them and it doesn't feel like they are just trying to push something on you because they aren't. Unless there's a book they just happen to fall in love with of course.

This is something that has increased a lot within the past year or so. Granted it's my decision whether or not to participate which is why I've unfollowed many people lately because of the constant promos. I'm happy to report I have yet to unfollow an author because like I said earlier they don't do it.

So in this case of celebrity vs. author the authors win! ;-)  Keep posting writing buddies!

And to end this post, here's a little promo of my own! Download my book because it's awesome! You know I had to. ;-)


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