Thursday, December 13, 2018

Upstate New York by Jennifer Kacey

I just got back from my house in NY last night. I've had the house a year and I love it even more now than when I bought it. It's a split level that makes me feel nostalgic for my grandparents in OH who have long since passed.

It's quaint with a wood burning stove in the bottom level. It's live-able but with tons of things I'll get to update when my health stops being such a douche waffle.

Going there makes me so incredibly happy. Especially when I'm there with The Amazing Boyfriend. :P

It's truly one of my favorite places in the whole world.

So what's your favorite place if you had to choose just one???

Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas and New York. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

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