Saturday, July 30, 2016


When I was a child I would pray a lot. And one of the things I would pray for was patience. I was always in a rush. I wanted everything to happen when I thought it should happen. I think it's part of being a kid. But I'll never forget my mom taking me aside one day and saying, "God can't just give you patience. The only way for God to answer that prayer is to put you in situations where you have to be patient." It made so much sense. I wasn't sure why I'd never thought of it before. After that day I never once prayed for patience again.

But I must have prayed enough that God must have already gotten the order because I grew up to be an author. There is no other profession I've ever heard of that requires more patience. You have to have patience to write a book. It takes patience while others are beta reading your books. And there is a significant amount of patience needed while you are waiting for the book to be accepted or rejected. But that's not all. Even if your book is accepted there is the time between acceptance, contract negotiations, edits, and release.

I've been published for something like seven years now. Sorry I didn't have an exact date. I didn't know what I was going to blog about before I sat down this morning so I didn't look up my first publication date. But I remember how hard it was to wait at every stage when I first started. Over the years, however, it has become easier. And this morning I realized I've had a proposal out for almost three weeks and I've been totally chill about it. I haven't been checking my email every five seconds. I haven't been obsessing about it. This is a relatively new experience for me. I'm being remarkably patient about this submission.

So I guess God does answers prayers. But, when the request is patience, he takes his time about it.

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and a lovely summer.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Thankful by Jennifer Kacey

There is so much awful going around right now I thought I'd take a minute to put a little bit more love out there. Can't hurt right????!?

I am thankful for my parents. You guys know my mum as Mama Jo since since she comes to cons with me and is one of my biggest cheerleaders. Her and my dad have been utter rockstars these last few months since I've been so sick. Dropping everything to help keep my world turning. Best. Parents. Ever.

To my boy who can ALWAYS make me laugh and who is my second handy assistant at work. And for his blue hair which makes me happier every time I look at it.

To the Usen Family. For all the Skype chats and texts and love from so many miles away that kept me sane when the piles of poopy kept getting too high to tread alone. You guys jumped in the poo with me and you guys are beyond awesome.

To all my peeps at work that kicked ass. I have no idea what I would have done if you guys weren't so freaking fantastic and holding down the fort to get everything done on time.

And to my wonderfully dirty readers who send me messages about what my books mean to them and how much they can't wait for the next books in line. Love you all!

Honestly don't know what I'd have done without all of these people in my life to keep me going.
Love my family and friends and adore you all!
Thank you for being you and I'm so lucky to have each of you in my life. MWAH!!

Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Stud for Hire by Sabrina York: Coming Soon and a Brand New Giveaway!

Coming August 16th
Stud for Hire by Sabrina York
Just south of Fort Worth, Texas, you’ll find a little ranch where the hot, toned cowboys are ready and eager to take it all off and make your naughtiest fantasies come true...
When her sister plans a wild bachelorette weekend at the Double S Ranch, Hanna Stevens is pretty sure she’ll just grin and bear it while the other women get their fill of hot cowboy strippers. After all, Hanna has never met a man who made her really want.
Zack, Hanna’s future husband, offered to marry her and save her family’s ranch from financial ruin, and while she accepted, it was never what you’d call a passionate affair. But when she locks eyes with Logan, Hanna is suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling she’s always craved and never experienced: Pure. Animal. Desire...
The first in a new series of Stripped Down Cowboys from New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Sabrina York
"Sabrina York can write a sexy cowboy like no other!" Susan Stoker, New York Times bestselling author

Read an Excerpt
Logan’s heart stilled and then shot into a rapid tattoo. He dropped the heavy bale on the ground. It landed with a dull thud and a plume of dust. Slowly, he turned, trying to ignore the shivers running over his skin at that low, sultry voice.
And yeah. There she was, backlit by the sun in the yawning barn door, a tantalizing silhouette.
He tipped back his hat so he could see her better. Wiped the sweat from his brow. Damn, she was beautiful. Her red hair was down, flowing over her shoulders like a rippling stream, teased by the breeze. The buttons of her plaid shirt strained against the curves of her breasts. He loved the way her skinny jeans clung to her legs, disappearing in a pair of well-worn boots.
She wasn’t supposed to be here. The women were supposed to be settling in, dressing for the evening’s festivities. A Hunky Hoedown. Logan was supposed to be preparing for that too—but he’d decided to work off his simmering energy here, in the barn.
He hadn’t really expected her to take him up on his offer and find him here. Never dared hope.
But…here she was.
His knees went a little weak. He tightened his muscles and forced himself to remain where he was, watching her every move. Every breath.
Though he suspected why she’d come, he wasn’t sure. It would be wise to let her make the first move.
God help him.
Because he wanted to pounce.
“So…” She wandered deeper into the barn, pretending to study the tools hanging on the wall. Her fingers drifted over a harness; the sight made a shudder walk through him.  When Gotham poked out a head and sprayed her with a welcoming snort, she patted his snout, but not like a city girl. Not with a tentative pat as though she were afraid he’d bite.
Logan swallowed the pool of drool in his mouth. He’d like to take a bite. Of that.
“So…” she repeated. “Is this a working ranch, or only a weekend bordello?”
Logan stiffened. If he wasn’t mistaken, that was a flirtatious tone. She flicked a look at him, from beneath amber lashes and his gut clenched. Shit. It was.
His heart lurched. His cock swelled. Sudden sweat beaded his brow.
This was Hanna. His Hanna—well, the Hanna of his dreams. The woman he’d wanted forever, the woman who’d never seen him.
And she was flirting. With him.
Inexorably drawn to her, he stepped closer. “Oh. It’s a working ranch.” A low rumble, infused with meaning. Yeah. He’d like to work her. Work her over.
“I see.” She leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. It took every ounce of concentration in him to keep his gaze on her face. Oh, it was a fascinating face, but the cleavage her action created was even more mesmerizing.
His brain fizzled and popped at that hint of a shadow. He said the only thing that came to mind—the only thing fit to say, at least. “Cody has over two hundred head.”
“I see. Do you…” Her attention trickled over his bare chest. He was covered in sweat and bits of hay. She didn’t seem to mind. Her lips pursed. Then she licked them. “Do you work here?”
He snorted. “No.” His days working as a cowpoke for Cody were long gone…unless he lost a bet.
“Ah.” Her gaze flicked up to his. The muscle in her cheek tightened. “I didn’t think so.”
The words skimmed over him in a hot rush, her tone, low and woven with implication. His breath hitched at the look in her beautiful eyes.
And then it plunged to his toes.
Because he could tell, from every line of her face, from the way she held her body, from the way she looked at him. She didn’t recognize him.
She had no idea who he was. No idea they’d gone to high school together. No memory of what he’d done, how he’d risked everything for her. And nearly lost.
Nope. She thought he was just a random stripper. Manflesh brought in for the sole purpose of providing pleasure to the lady guests.
On the one hand, that pissed him off.
But on the other hand…hell, she thought he was a stripper.  Probably one willing to make himself available to Cody’s guests should the right offer arise.
A mix of annoyance, need and lust warred within him.
Lust won.
Hanna Stevens, the prim and proper princess of Snake Gully, thought he was a stud for hire. And she wanted him.
This could be fun.
He stepped closer to her, adopting a gait, an attitude he assumed a man of lesser morals might employ. “I’m just here for the weekend, ma’am. Just here to make sure you ladies have a…good time.”
“I-I see.”
“My name is Logan.”
Yeah. He knew. He knew her name.
She tipped up her head as he neared. Her eyes went wide. Pupils dilated. Lips parted. Damn, she was a tiny thing. Heat gathered low in his belly. He fought back the urge to yank her into his arms and kiss the shit out of her. “I…ah…and…” She glanced away and then slowly forced her gaze back. “And what would that good time entail…exactly?”
Everything in him stilled.
First, because hell, was she propositioning him?
And second because, hell! She was propositioning him.
“That’s…negotiable.” He hated that his voice cracked on the words. But he really couldn’t help it. It was all he could do to keep control of his raging emotions. Okay. His raging lust. His cock was hard. Tight in his jeans. Thudding with every beat of his heart. And his pulse thrummed like an out of control jackhammer. “W-what do you like?”
He was pretty sure gentlemen of the evening didn’t stutter, but he couldn’t help himself. He held his breath, waiting for her answer. God, he wanted to know. He’d always wanted to know. Ached to know.
She drew her finger along the leather harness dangling from the wall and his cock jerked in sympathetic reaction. “I don’t know. Something…improper.” The look she flicked at him set his soul on fire. A dark wind screamed through him like a violent summer storm on the range.
“I can do improper.” Could he.
She stepped closer. Her scent engulfed him, clouded his brain. Something feminine and light, like powder. She tipped her chin and met his gaze as she set her palm flat on his chest. He nearly winced at the touch. Their first real touch. His muscles bunched at the effort to hold back that involuntary reaction. Her hand was tiny. She was tiny. He wanted to scoop her up, find a nice soft pile of hay and roll her in it. Hard.
Her lashes flickered. “Something…very improper.”
He swallowed. “I can do very improper.”
“Something naughty.” A whisper. As though some deep part of her was not allowed to hear.
“I can do naughty,” he whispered back. “I’m very good at naughty.”
A sizzling energy passed between them. She licked her lips again and this time he saw it for what it was. An invitation.
To take.
What he wanted.
What he’d wanted for years.
And he did.
He kissed her.

Read more about the Stripped Down Cowboys!
Cowboy to Command by Sabrina York 10/18/2016
Spurred On by Sabrina York  01/17/2017

Stripped Down Cowboys #Hot #ContemporaryRomance from @sabrina_york

About Sabrina York
Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & snarky to scorching romance.  Visit her webpage at to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Newsletter:


Monday, July 25, 2016

Trust Yourself by Jennifer Kacey

I'm not a shy girl. I know, shocking!
But recently I had to dig deep and buck my entire medical safety net.
I ended up being 100% right! Thank Gd!

I had 5 doctors tell me they had no clue. 5.
So I had to figure it out on my own and then beg for help.But it got me to thinking how many other people are out there might need a bit of a Rah Rah Go Team when it comes to your own health.

The moral of the story is no doctor or specialist or surgeon or nurse or lab tech knows you as well as you know yourself.
And if you know something's wrong don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise.

We get one ride around on this merry-go-round so let's make it the kick-assiest ride we can!!

Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

It's Saturday!!!

Saturday is my favorite day of the week. Not a huge surprise. I think it's most people's favorite day of the week. But I decided to be extra celebratory this Saturday and list my five favorite ways to spend the day:

5. Farmer's Market: My local farmer's market sells goat's cheese and fresh pita bread. It's my favorite thing to buy there. There really is nothing like fresh goat's cheese smeared on warm pita bread.

4. Exploring Local Parks: I go to the park a lot with my kids during the summer. Even more so now that Pokemon Go has started. But Austin has so many parks that I find I often got to the same two or three parks during the week. The weekend gives me a chance to venture to new parks and see new sites.

3. Going Downtown: I live in suburbia. But it is a nice suburbia. There are a lot of restraints and sites just minutes from my house. But it's still not the same a downtown. I grew up in a small town so going to a proper downtown is still a novelty for me. I love driving downtown and checking out the shops and grabbing a bite to eat. It's not as easy during the week, though. Saturdays are a perfect day, however, to go for a drive and take in the sites.

2. Being Lazy: I like this one even more than going to a park or downtown. Just laying in bed next to my husband is one of the best ways to spend any day. Saturdays are the most likely day for this to happen, though.

1. Spending Time With the Family: My favorite way to spend a Saturday. I mean, until the kiddos start bickering :)

What's your favorite way to spend a Saturday?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Cerise DeLand marries off 7 BRIDES FOR 7 SEALS! New series July 22!

Do hunky #NavySEAL Nick Reardon and Abby Stuart have a ghost of a chance for more than a weekend?

He offers her dinner.
When Abby Stuart accepts hunky Navy SEAL Nick Reardon’s invitation, she gets a red hot one-night stand that becomes an irresistible weekend interlude.
But when a glimpse of their past proves that their fascination could be more than a brief affair, they wonder if they have a ghost of a chance at  happiness together for all their tomorrows.

Excerpt: Copyright, Cerise DeLand 2016. All rights reserved.
“We’ll do this,” he said, his rough words sounding stern as a vow. “And then we’ll curl up and go to sleep.”
Oh, she wanted to curl up all right. She wanted to kiss him until the world ended. He would know, too, because hadn’t she just answered him by vibrating in his arms?
He licked his lower lip, his blue gaze probing hers and looking at her Christmasy pjs. “Honest. You and me and all your Santas. We’re going to kiss.”
She cuffed him, laughing all the way.
He did, too, and crushed her against him. “Kiss me. Make it long and make it worth four more hours to wait for another.”
“You are evil, do you know that?”
The sun and moon and stars blazed across his features with delight. “Yeah. It’s what I’m paid for. Do it.”
He wouldn’t move first. That she understood. It had to be her, now or never. She leaned closer to his lips. A breath separated them. “What if once isn’t enough?”
“It will be.”
Disappointment rang through her.
And he smiled, consolation ripe on his lips. “Tomorrow, I promise to kiss you anytime you ask.”
She could live like that. “You could get in trouble for conduct unbecoming.”
“Baby, with you in my arms, I’ve already got that trouble, and if you don’t kiss me, I may just die before they come to throw me in the brig.”
She sank her fingers into his luscious hair, cupping the back of his head, her breasts boring into his hard naked chest. She put her mouth on his, his lips firm and soft, his breath heavy and rapid. She brushed her lips on his once. He hauled her up, and her skin met his. He groaned, and she slanted her mouth this way. He took her up and pressed her down. He followed her, his lips drinking her in, his tongue tangling with hers.
The euphoria rippled through her in a storm. No one had ever kissed her like she was his all, his everything. She had never wanted to be any man’s either.
And so the kiss lengthened and ended only because they needed air.
He pushed her back against his thighs, his hand sinking into her hair. “Abby, get up. Now. Come around the other side and crawl back into bed.”
Totally without a thought in her head, she obeyed. When she had settled onto her back, he ran one strong arm around her waist and pushed her to her side. He adjusted his body behind her, his corded length along her own, one leg over her hip. Then he hugged her tightly to him. “Tomorrow morning, if I’m not here when you wake up, don’t panic.”
She did now. She whipped her head around to stare at him over her shoulder. “Why?”
“Oh, honey.” He kissed her nose. “I’m not leaving. I’m going for an early swim.” He moved closer, and the feel of his mighty erection against her ass gave the evidence of his rationale. “I’ll need it. This will be the longest night of my life.”

Who is Cerise?
Cerise DeLand loves to cook, hates to dust, adores traveling...and lives to write!
She is #1 Bestselling Regency Author of spicy romances starring dashing heroes and sassy women. Her box set THE STANHOPE CHALLENGE was recently on the bestseller list for ONE solid YEAR!

Find Cerise:
Cerise DeLand's Website:
Follow her on Twitter: @cerisedeland
Goodreads: Cerise DeLand


What a difference a weekend makes when a hot Navy SEAL sweeps a lady off her feet and into his arms! @CeriseDeLand AMAZON

Do hunky #NavySEAL Nick Reardon and Abby Stuart have a #ghost of a chance for more than a weekend? @CeriseDeLand AMAZON

What can a #ghost from the past teach a hunky #NavySEAL and the woman he adores about their future? AMAZON

Can a #ghost teach a #NavySEAL anything about #romance? YOU WERE ALWAYS MINE @CeriseDeland AMAZON

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Summer Adventures

When the sun doesn't set until after 9:00 and the weather is warm, life is good.

I can't believe it's already the middle of July! This summer is flying by. There is so much fun to be had, though, that I'm embracing every minute of it. My kids, like the majority of the people out there, have discovered Pokemon Go this week. This has been a pretty amazing thing for me. I'm not playing it, but I love being outside and active. Playing Pokemon Go has made it so much easier for me to get them outside and exploring with me.

We can't spend every moment of every day outside, however. It's too hot in central Texas to be outside during the heat of the day. We plan out outings for early morning and late evening. During the day, however, I've been writing. I'm thrilled to announce I've actually submitted a proposal to a publishing house. Yay! I do tend to write more in the summer. Without a set schedule, I'm able to find more time.

And, of course, there's time spent with friends. I'm not sure why I don't get together with my friends more during the school year. It seems like there would be more time to be had with the kids at school for eight hours a day but my days are often taken over with errands during the school year.

I hope you've been enjoying your summer as well. At this rate, it'll be fall soon.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Celebrate the re-release of the Noble Passions Series from Sabrina York with a hot sale and a mega giveaway!

Read on for a chance to win one of the Noble Passions Tiaras!

The Noble Passions Series
Follow the decadent exploits of friends and enemies as they find love and passion in the glittering world of the Regency—and its dark underbelly. All books are stand alone titles.

Dark Fancy
Book 1 in the Noble Passions Series from Sabrina York
2014 Carolyn Reader’s Choice Award

When Lady Helena Simpson flees an unwanted marriage to a revolting lord, she finds refuge with James, a charming, handsome man unlike any she’s ever known. Helena concocts the perfect solution to her problem. She asks—begs—James to ruin her. Surely her betrothed will repudiate her if she is no longer pure. And if all her efforts fail and she still ends up married to a horrid man until the end of her days, she will at least once have known true passion.

But James is not all he seems. He is, in fact, a wicked lord with a dark fancy. When Helena awakens his desire, he becomes determined to take everything she has to offer and more. No matter the cost.

Dark Duke
Book 2 in the Noble Passions Series from Sabrina York
2014 Golden Ankh Winner

Edward Wyeth, the Dark Duke of Moncrieff’s life has been turned on its end. His well-ordered home has been invaded. By destitute relatives. From Scotland. How on earth can he write Lord Hedon’s salacious novels with hellions battling in the garden and starting fires in the library? But with the onslaught has come a delicious diversion. His cousin’s companion, the surprisingly intriguing Kaitlin MacAllister. He is determined to seduce her. Using her desperate need for funds and her talents as an artist, he convinces her to draw naughty pictures for his naughtier books…and he draws her into his decadent web.

But Kaitlin has a secret. She’s fled Scotland—and a very determined betrothed. When Edward’s cousin is kidnapped and held in her stead, Kaitlin is honor-bound to return to her homeland and rescue her—much to Edward’s chagrin.
Because suddenly he can’t bear the thought of Kaitlin marrying another man. He can’t bear the thought of losing her at all.

Book 3 in the Noble Passions Series from Sabrina York

Kidnapped and held prisoner by menacing Scottish brigand, the notorious McCloud, Violet Wyeth does her best to persevere…and resist his rakish charms. But when she realizes The McCloud is really Ewan St. Andrews, the boy who once saved her life, the boy who once kissed her and made her heart flutter, she is lost.

Ewan has every intention of marrying Lady Kaitlin MacAllister. He desperately needs the entrée into the ton this bride can provide. But when his bride is delivered—bound and gagged—it’s not Kaitlin. It’s Violet Wyeth—the girl who betrayed him and ruined his life when he was a boy. He keeps her, determined to punish her for her sins. But when he discovers the truth about what really happened so long ago, and seething passion rises between them, he can no longer hold on to his rusty grudge. By the time he realizes how much he loves Violet—that he always has—he’s lost her.
All he can do is follow her. Follow her into the bowels of hell—and partake in the torment of the glittering London Season, where the harpies are far more dangerous than a Scottish brigand.

Book 4 in the Noble Passions Series from Sabrina York

When rakish Ned falls in with the wrong crowd, his brother decides to send him to the Continent for “seasoning”. For Sophia, this just won’t do. She’s loved Ned for ages—and also longed for adventure. She runs away from her boring suitors and disguises herself as a cabin boy on the Defiant, the ship sailing Ned to Italy.

Ned knows he’s not good enough for Sophia, but once they’re on the Defiant, he can’t stop himself from touching her, tasting her, loving her. Not when a wild tempest and a band of ruthless pirates threaten them. Not when every look from her gives him such pleasure. And certainly not when she comes, warm and wild and willing, to his bed.

If they survive their voyage, Sophia’s brother might kill him, but it will have been worth every moment and every hot, sweet kiss.

Book 5 in the Noble Passions Series from Sabrina York
2014 EPIC eBook Award Finalist
2013 Passionate Plume Finalist

Widowed and threatened with penury by her heartless in-laws, Eleanor--Lady Ulster--hatches a plot to save herself. Determined to produce the Ulster "heir", she seduces a stranger at a tawdry masquerade. Little does she know, this magnificent masked lover is none other than her husband's greatest nemesis. And God knows Ulster had plenty.

Ethan Pennington is mortified to arrive at a house party and discover Lady Ulster in attendance. He has wanted her and hated wanting her--his enemy's bride--for years. When he overhears Eleanor's predicament and her plans to place a cuckoo in the Ulster nest, he is more than willing to oblige. The opportunity to finally claim her--while taking the revenge he craves--is more than he can resist. Ethan strikes a bargain with Eleanor, promising to provide her with the heir she so desperately needs...if she will meet his needs in return. Every decadent one of them.


About Sabrina York
Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & snarky to scorching romance.  Visit her webpage at to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Newsletter:

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Disciplining the Beast by Tina Donahue

(Book 5 – Taming the Beast Series)

by Tina Donahue

Buy Links (available for preorder – ready to read August 9):

Fantastic Fiction:
Books a Million:


Thank heaven for babes who like to raise hell.

Taming the Beast, Book 5

Wynona relishes her job as a reaper. Some jerkwad pisses her off? He’s toast. Any
douchebag who mistreats a woman better watch out. Lately, she’s been enjoying it a little
too much—and Heaven is not amused.

Wings temporarily clipped, she’s doing time working as an enforcer at From Crud to
Stud. The body count isn’t what she’s used to, but at least the scenery—that is, her celestial
parole officer—is tall, dark, and deliciously hot.

Rafael can’t take his eyes off Wynona. No, really. She’s a 24/7, one-on-one job. No matter
how hard this angel rides her, she begs for more. Finding a way to bring out her best side is
turning out to be the greatest challenge of his career.

She’s sassy and sexy, and she’s brought out a side of him he never knew existed—an
inner Dom that is only too willing to follow her down the garden path of unrestrained
indulgence. And once they set foot on that slippery slope, there’s no turning back.

Warning: Virtue has met its match. Celebrates bondage, discipline, voyeurism, and crazy
good sex in an office setting, fetish club, and everywhere else. The faint of heart are advised to
turn back now.

Excerpt #3:

The world stilled.

Wynona’s longing exploded. She melted into Rafael, desperate to get close, and parted her lips to welcome his tongue.

On a restrained growl, he slipped the sweet thing into her mouth, filling her, exploring, his bristly cheeks rasping her skin.

Her nerve endings fired wildly, creating currents of heat followed by a flood of comfort and renewed excitement that had her panting for more. He deepened the kiss, not allowing her one breath or the faintest sound. Her mind turned to mush. She surrendered fully, suckling his tongue deeper, adoring his taste, as fresh and innocent as a new day, rich and seductive to match the most shameless night. Crazy good.
She tugged off the leather cord confining his hair. Freed, those silken waves glided over her hands, thick and wavy, scented with something divine she couldn’t quite place. She imagined the scent was how a sunbeam or a shooting star might smell. Otherworldly and unmatched. Yet he was also of this earth, a passionate being, no different from her.
Indulgence was on their menu. Control not allowed.
She buried her fingers in his mane, hopped into his arms, and wrapped her legs around his lean hips.
He teetered from her weight but righted himself quickly like the strong guy he was. All lean muscles rippled with power, biceps and shoulders bunching.
She moaned for all she was worth, the base noise muffled by his tongue, which transformed the sound into a softer, more feminine response. Already, he’d conquered her and she didn’t mind. He could freaking tame her all he wanted during moments like this.
He turned a slow circle. A sensual dance she couldn’t resist. From the moment she’d come into being, she’d yearned for intimacy fueled by lust but also laced with tenderness.
His kiss was less frantic now, more searching, reaching beyond the façade of her leather outfit, outrageous bravado, and snide comments to the real woman beneath.
Lonely, wanting, horribly insecure.
A flicker of unease ran through her. Walls went up. Submitting to carnal hunger was one thing. Craving anything beyond that was certifiable. She was a reaper, lowest of the low, more hated than politicians, lawyers, and used-car salesmen.
This had to stop.
Rafael wrapped his arm around her waist and coaxed her closer.
Fevered and reckless, she pushed his tongue from her mouth and filled his with hers.
He groaned heartily.

About Tina:

Tina is an Amazon and international bestselling novelist in erotic, paranormal, contemporary and historical romance for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her erotic novels (Freeing the Beast, Come and Get Your Love, and Wicked Takeover) were Readers' Choice Award winners. Another three (Adored, Lush Velvet Nights, and Deep, Dark, Delicious) were named finalists in the EPIC competition. Sensual Stranger, her erotic contemporary romance, was chosen Book of the Year at the French review site Blue Moon reviews. The Golden Nib Award at Miz Love Loves Books was created specifically for her erotic romance Lush Velvet Nights. Two of her titles (The Yearning and Deep, Dark, Delicious) received an Award of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition. Take Me Away and Adored both won second place in the NEC RWA contest (different years). Tina is featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

Amazon author page:
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EC Author Page:
Samhain Author Page:
Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas:
Romance Books 4 US: